Rich experience and constant innovation

Since its establishment in 2000, M3 MOBILE has been innovating the Automated Identification and Data Collection (AIDC) market. In 2000, we introduced an industrial mobile computer combining wireless communication technology and barcode recognition technology for the first time in Korea. In 2004, we launched the world's smallest industrial terminal. We supply the fastest and most reliable products to over 3,000 customers, 600 partners in 120 countries, Cumulative user ranking is the first in Korea. M3 MOBILE directly performs all processes from design, development, production, and maintenance. M3 is with you as the fastest partner.

Direct communication with customers
around the world with the fastest service

Overseas branch office

Fastest growth and innovation

2018 SITL


view : 5444

▷ Period : 2018. 3. 20 ~ 2018. 3. 23

▷ Place : PARIS NORD VILLEPINTE - HALL 6, Paris, France

▷ Stand No. : B-069


M3 Mobile is inviting you to SITL 2018, which takes place in Paris, France from March 20 to March 23, 2018.

SITL is a promising fair in Transport and Logistics field. Every year, more than 35 countries participate.

We are hoping you to come, enjoy and visit our Booth no. B-069.


Exhibition website : http://www.sitl.eu/en/

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